Apply for a new personal loan today and enjoy reduced rates. Be one of 18 lucky winners to receive 18,000 Life Reward points.
- This offer is valid from 10 to 31st December,2024.
Terms and conditions apply
Apply for a new personal loan today and enjoy reduced rates. Be one of 18 lucky winners to receive 18,000 Life Reward points.
Terms and conditions apply
I acknowledge that all the following information is complete & correct according to the best of my knowledge & without any responsibility on the Bank.
Kindly open a temporary account in my name according to the following Terms, Conditions & Pledges:
I have read and accepted all the Terms and Conditions mentioned above.
You are eligible to apply for a scholarship if you meet the criteria and conditions listed below:
Health insurance
In case of acceptance for a scholarship, the applicant will be subject to the following initial conditions (details and conditions will be added in the final contract):
I have read and accepted all the Terms and Conditions mentioned above.